
Battlefield heroes 2019
Battlefield heroes 2019

The CTE is currently only available for Premium players due to limited space, though DICE plans to make it available to all PC players in the future. While the CTE is only available on PC and Xbox One, DICE LA plans to eventually implement changes to all platforms. As such, gameplay within the CTE does not affect a player's soldier in the actual game. The feature puts players in a completely separate version of Battlefield 4 and Battlelog, requiring players to create new soldiers in order to participate. Introduced to Battlefield 4 on for PC and Xbox One on July 6, 2015, the feature was developed by DICE Los Angeles to get feedback directly from the players themselves and adjust gameplay accordingly in response to the numerous issues that plagued Battlefield 4 after release as well as help in the development of Battlefield Hardline. The Public Test Environment was a test version of Battlefield Play4Free, functioning in a similar manner as the PTE in Battlefield Heroes. The RTE tested features and content that could potentially break accounts or cause sensory overload. The Restricted Test Environment ( RTE) is a testing environment similar to the PTE, however it is heavily restricted to only approved players. Additionally, instead of purchasing Battlefunds or Play4Free Funds, players were given test currency in order to purchase items in development.

battlefield heroes 2019

The PTE required players to create and use test accounts and characters and did not carry over any progress to the main version of the game.

battlefield heroes 2019

It allowed players to test and provide feedback of some new features and items before they would be implemented in the main game, and was only open for a few weeks at a time.

battlefield heroes 2019

The Public Test Environment ( PTE) is a test version of Battlefield Heroes first introduced in March 2010.

Battlefield heroes 2019